When you work for a nonprofit, the work is never really done. Then again, when you love what you do, it can hardly be considered “work.”
This September, I will have been with the O’Neill Center for one year. The time has flown as it has been filled with exciting projects, rewards and challenges. No two days are exactly the same, no challenge is too much and no reward is greater than knowing how we impact the daily lives of seniors in our community.

National Nonprofit Day is observed on August 17 and this year we used the day to recognize our staff, our community partners and all who continue to support the O’Neill and Belpre senior centers. We are beyond grateful for the assistance of Marietta Community Foundation, the Ohio Department of Transportation, Wal-mart of Marietta, Parkersburg Area Community Foundation and Sisters Health Foundation, as well as the United Way Alliance of the Mid-Ohio Valley. These are just a few of the organizations who continue to see value in what we do. Nonprofits cannot function without support from businesses and private individuals. So thank you to everyone who continues to help us honor our mission to keep seniors living H.I.P.: Healthy, Independent and Productive.
Nonprofits are also only as strong as their weakest link. Our staff has been on a roller coaster ride with restrictions and mandates, all in an effort to keep everyone we serve safe. We are still monitoring a very fluid situation and our staff continues to keep the best interest of the seniors at top of mind. Every single one of the team members in Marietta and Belpre has had to wear multiple hats at times, all while remaining flexible and upbeat. We are very lucky to have so many folks who enjoy what they do and we value all of their contributions.
Speaking of contributions, thanks to the Marietta Chamber of Commerce and guest speaker Jarrett Stull with the Memorial Health Foundation, I was able to attend a discussion about Planned Giving. Did you know that you can leave a Legacy Gift to benefit the O’Neill Center? If you share our vision, or if you or a loved one has enjoyed the programming and services of the O’Neill Center, then you are encouraged to take a few moments to think how a planned gift could benefit both the O’Neill Center and yourself. Legacy gifts are often the most significant gifts we can make, reflecting our life’s values. There are many ways you can leave a legacy that can sustain the good and important work of the O’Neill Center. Careful financial planning can benefit you and your heirs while allowing you to leave an enduring legacy. O’Neill Senior Center, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio.
Other creative ways to give include:
- Gifts of stock or other assets
- A beneficiary designation on a life insurance policy, 401(k) plan or IRA
- A bequest in your Will
- Life income gifts such as Annuities
- Charitable Lead Trusts
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Retained Life Estate
Supporting the O’Neill Center through a planned gift means your life can have meaning, even after your lifetime. It is a way you can continue to help your community for years to come.
Lastly, Marietta Community Foundation is a trusted, well-respected organization dedicated to improving our community. The Foundation strives to make donors’ good intentions become great accomplishments. Marietta Community Foundation partners with O’Neill Center to manage its Endowment Fund and its Agency Fund. The Foundation is a great resource and can assist you in understanding the various choices available when making a planned gift. To find out more, call Marietta Community Foundation at 740-373-3286.
Erin O’Neill is Development Coordinator for The O’Neill Center, located at 333 Fourth St. in Marietta. She can be reached at eoneill@oneillcenter.com or 740-373-3914.