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O’Neill Center

Helping Area Seniors Live HIP:

Healthy, Independent and Productive

Two new meal projects to immediately assist area seniors.

Two new meal projects to immediately assist area seniors.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, older adults seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. While we’re thrilled to see local businesses begin to open, seniors are still advised to stay home as much as...

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Older Americans Month: Its history and our presence

Older Americans Month: Its history and our presence

It seems like every month and day has its “dedicated” name.  Whether it’s Christmas, Earth Day, or Black History Month, a person can feel special on any given day. Did you know May is Older Americans Month? You might ask yourself… “what exactly does that even mean?”...

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Medicare coverage and the response to the Coronavirus

Medicare coverage and the response to the Coronavirus

Early Saturday, March 14, the House passed legislation (R. 6201) that would waive all beneficiary cost sharing for coronavirus testing and the associated doctor’s office visit.  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is working to address the spread of...

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The Marietta area is so fortunate to have this facility and staff.

Darlene Leonhart