Education & Evidenced Based
Education classes can help improve quality of life, health management, and increase independence, mobility, and health behaviors. Education classes are often programs designed to stimulate and ease the mind. Classes include: Fraud Awareness and Prevention, Online Banking, Stroke Prevention, and Welcome to Medicare. These programs are based on senior’s best interests as they age.
We also provide evidence-based programs to help seniors live HIP (Healthy, Independent, and Productive). Evidence-based programs are provided to promote health and prevent/decrease disease among older adults. Classes include: Matter of Balance, Healthy U (Chronic Disease Self-Management or Chronic Pain Self-Management), Tai Chi, and Chi Walking. New classes are forming daily. Sign up now!

Chi Walking
Chi Walking is an exciting approach to creating health, fitness and wellbeing through walking. Chi Walking blends walking with the inner focus of Tai Chi. Walking is the ideal way to stay fit. With Chi Walking you will be able to walk faster and farther with less effort, slim down and get stronger and more centered with every workout. Walk with purpose and walk to a new you!

Tai Chi
Adding this ancient Chinese exercise which offers gentle, fluid movements can be beneficial to those with limited mobility. It has been proven to offer health benefits through a natural workout process. Those who participate may experience improved balance, reduced stress and even relief from pain.

Matter of Balance
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) updated its recommendations on the best ways to prevent falls in older adults. The strongest finding indicates that exercise programs focused on strength and resistance training, as well as balance and gait, help reduce the risk of falls. Matter of Balance is a program that helps reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. Participants learn about the importance of exercise in preventing falls; practice exercises to improve strength, coordination and balance; see how to conduct a home safety evaluation; and gain strategies to get up and down safely. Don’t let your fear of falling keep you from enjoying activities. This evidence based program, was developed through a grant from the Administration on Aging and developed by the Ohio Department of Aging. The 8 week program helps older adults reduce their fear of falling, thereby enhancing activity levels.

Healthy U
Get healthy by attending Healthy U! Approximately 80% of older adults have at least one chronic disease and 68% have two or more. Many adults with conditions such as: Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes, Lung Disease, Heart Disease, Stroke, Osteoporosis, and many more struggle to find ways to manage their condition. This 6 week course is led by trained coaches and offers education for Chronic Disease Self-Management to help you live a better life with your chronic condition.

Pain Management
Chronic pain can effect a person’s life in all aspects such as emotionally, physically, and mentally. This Chronic Pain Self- Management program is a 6 week evidence based workshop to help those living with chronic pain conditions. This workshop introduces self- management techniques to help deal with your chronic pain such as appropriate use of medication, exercise, mind and body relaxation, plus many other techniques.

Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga provides an enjoyable fitness program for anyone whose physical activity is limited due to age, disability, or chronic conditions. Yoga provides simple movements that can be done any time of the day to increase activity levels gradually. When combined with breathing and relaxation techniques, participants report an increase in concentration, courage and sense of self-worth.